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Anticellulite massage - Completed 19.07.2019

It affects the skin - it evens and tightens the skin, affects the connective tissue and the superficial muscle group, improves the intercellular metabolism, removes excess intercellular fluid, which can create the effect of "obesity." Anti-cellulite massage actively promotes weight loss in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
Anti-cellulite massage is recommended not only to those who want to get rid of cellulite as such, but also to those who want to prevent it, get rid of fat deposits in problem areas, improve skin condition.
 The number of sessions is selected individually, on average, for a sustainable result, a course of 10-15 procedures is necessary.

Information and recording by phone:
☎ + 7 (8112) 79-45-00

Procedure cost




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