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Dear our guests! We have a new one! Hardware cosmetology! - Completed 14.11.2019

Dear our guests! We have a new one!
Hardware cosmetology!
Today, the cosmetology industry offers various methods of rejuvenation without surgery. One of the highly effective methods of modern cosmetology is hardware procedures that open up great opportunities for restoring the natural beauty of the skin, its treatment and rejuvenation.
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In solving aesthetic problems, the most effective physiotherapeutic methods used in hardware cosmetology are a promising area of ​​modern aesthetic medicine that allows you to preserve youth and beauty for a long time.
The action of hardware methods is not limited to a superficial cosmetic effect, but is a step towards improving the body as a whole. In addition, the procedures are painless and pleasant for the client. They effectively act on the deep layers of tissues, which makes it possible to destroy fat cells, grind the surface of the skin, stimulate blood circulation and the production of natural collagen.

Modern hardware cosmetology is a worthy substitute for operational methods.

Methods of hardware cosmetology: myostimulation, microcurrents, electrophoresis, disincrustation, electroporation (non-injection mesotherapy), lymphatic drainage, have a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect, promoting rejuvenation of the connective tissue fibers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, normalizing blood circulation in problem areas, restoring skin elasticity.

Using the latest equipment, our #spaoldstate specialists carry out procedures aimed at relieving edema, improving lymph outflow, increasing facial skin elasticity, removing pigmentation, acne, bumps, smoothing wrinkles, etc.
In addition to the pronounced cosmetological effect, the general condition of the skin noticeably improves and the metabolism is regulated.

Consultation with a cosmetologist will help you individually choose the best method of anti-aging therapy, which will achieve the aesthetic effect of natural facial rejuvenation: smoothing wrinkles, correcting the contour of the face, moisturizing the skin.
Various types of preventive skin care programs have also been developed, including a special anti-aging program and atraumatic facial cleansing.

Procedure cost




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