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Our dear guests! We have a new product! Exclusive energy massage "Hakim of the back" - Completed 31.01.2021

 Hakim massage revitalizes the circulation of energy, relieves muscle tension, corrects micro-dislocations of the vertebrae and relaxes spasms.

It gently stretches the spine, restores intervertebral discs.
Amazingly, after a few movements, relaxation comes in all parts of the body.
Calmness in thoughts and emotions. Many people notice bliss after the session.
Quiet joy. Silence, born inside, puts in order thoughts, emotions, body.

 The massage gently affects the nerve endings along the spine, gently correcting it. The vertebrae fall into the correct places, tension is relieved, blood circulation and oxygen enrichment of all organs are restored.

 Hakim massage affects all body systems - from digestive to blood circulation, stimulating blocked
or slowed down body functions.
After the first stage - stimulating the body, in the second, organ regeneration and cellular restoration take place. And then, on the third
stage, the sensitivity of the organs and their own activity are restored.

 Such energy treatment allows the body and psyche to regain balance and harmony, restore healthy reactions of the body, slow down the process of degeneration and aging of cells.
After the first sessions, many people notice the rejuvenating effect of Hakim massage.

 Registration and information by phone:
☎ + 7 (8112) 79-45-00

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