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Hakim back massage - Completed 30.06.2021

Hakim back massage

The energetic back massage, practiced for thousands of years by the Hakim dervish healer brotherhoods of the Middle East, gently stretches the spine and repairs the intervertebral discs.
♦ Rhythmic movements place the body in a range of natural rhythms. Alternating stretching, pressing and stroking helps relieve muscle tension and eliminate spasms.
♦ The massage gently affects the nerve endings along the spine, gently correcting it. Such energy treatment allows you to regain balance and harmony, restore healthy reactions of the body, and slow down the aging process of cells.
Powerful and gentle at the same time, this massage can be practiced for medicinal purposes as well as relaxation and wellness.
Sign up for a massage by phone +7 (8112) 79-45-00

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