Udvartana massage - Completed 31.01.2022
Every time you come into contact with the traditions of India, you are amazed! How many interesting things exist in this amazing country. For example, only in India do a special type of massage that relaxes and tones at the same time, restores energy balance.
This massage is called Udvartana and is performed using special oils and dry powders of medicinal herbs.
Udvartana massage has a complex effect on the body:
✔ Improves blood circulation and lymph flow.
✔ Strengthens blood vessels.
✔ Improves joint mobility.
✔ Makes the skin soft and silky.
✔ Destroys subcutaneous fat deposits.
In order to experience the miraculous properties of such a massage, you do not need to fly to India. All you have to do is call the Old Estate Spa and sign up for a classic Udwartana massage or an Udwartana massage with hot herbal bags.
Waiting for you!