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Laminaria leaf wrap - Completed 30.07.2021

Seaweed wrapping was known in ancient Rome, and the Romans knew a lot about beauty! And at present, among all body care procedures, seaweed wraps are in greatest demand, especially wraps using Laminaria.

Laminaria has a rich biological composition, in which all the energy of the sea is concentrated. The main components of kelp: Omega-3 fatty acids, micro- and macroelements (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, etc.), vitamins (A, C, B, D, E, K, PP) and alginates.
Effects of Laminaria wrap:
♦weight loss;
♦elimination of cellulite;
♦acceleration of the basal metabolism due to the saturation of the body with iodine;
♦strengthening of immunity;
♦saturation of the skin and the body with microelements;
♦increased skin tone;
♦elimination of puffiness, due to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues.
Detailed consultation and registration for the procedure by phone +7 (8112) 79-45-00.

See also:

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