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Paraffin therapy - Completed 02.05.2021

Paraffin therapy is an excellent way to make the skin of the hands and feet beautiful, moisturized and healthy. The paraffin therapy procedure becomes especially relevant during the change of seasons, when the skin of the hands reacts especially sensitively to the changed temperature regime: it dries, weathered, cracked, and peeled off.

The advantages of paraffin therapy:
♦Restores the moisture balance of the skin, making it smooth and velvety.
♦Soothes and smoothes the skin.
♦Heals cracks.
♦Reduces the effects of exposure to household chemicals.
♦Gives a long-term effect. The result is noticeable after the first procedure.
After the paraffin therapy procedure, the skin becomes smooth, soft, tender, healthy, moisturized.

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