Honey wrap
Honey wrap - the healing properties of honey are so great that in modern life this product has long ceased to be an ordinary delicacy. Now it is used in cosmetology.
Honey is able to return a person not only health, but also beauty. Including the beauty of the figure.
This procedure is pleasant, effective and has a number of advantages. The main one is honey wraps, removing extra pounds, actively caring for the skin, making it soft and velvety.
Regular carrying out of honey wrapping helps to restore the optimal level of skin hydration, activation of metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat, stimulates lipolysis. In addition, this procedure removes excess fluid from the tissues, thereby removing puffiness, actively absorbs slags and toxins and stimulates their subsequent elimination, which, in turn, helps to cleanse the body and actively lose weight. Thanks to the properties of honey, this wrapping gives a lifting effect, smoothing the surface of the skin, giving it firmness and returning clear contours. Also honey wrap has anti-inflammatory effect, with its constant use helps to cope with cellulite, as well as with coarse connective tissue (resorption of scars, stretch marks), which is possible due to improved nutrition of tissues.
- visit to AQUACENTA 30min.
- Wrapping
- Applying moisturizer
- Relaxing music
- Tea ceremony (compliment from the SPA-center)
*The SPA center has a cumulative discount system for discount cards Hotel Old Estate Hotel & SPA****
*Note! The photo is for informational purposes only and may differ from the procedure actually provided by our specialists.
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